To order:
Please reach out and let me know which painting you are interested in! It is always an honor to deliver my artwork to its new home.
For a custom order:
The process of ordering a custom portrait begins with choosing the best available photographs. If distance prevents a face to face meeting, you may send photos by email. I often take photos myself, which gives me a chance to get to know the subject that I will be painting. There are a few standard sizes and prices, but I prefer to keep an open mind and approach each new painting as a new creation. Therefore, variable factors prevent an exhaustive price list.
Dog portraits, oil on canvas beginning at 11x14 inches, $700 for a single subject.
Horse portraits, oil on canvas beginning at 24x30 inches, $1,400 for a single subject, horse’s head.
Framing is available, prices upon request. Half of payment is due when I begin the painting, the remainder is due upon delivery.
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